Software Crafter I help to deliver high-quality, business-focused, problem-solving software solutions

Talks about #softwaredesign, #agiledevelopment, #domaindrivendesign, #extremeprogramming, and #softwarecraftsmanship

Oliver is an enthusiastic eXtreme Programmer, Trainer, and Content Creator that promotes and teaches Clean Code, refactoring techniques, Ports & Adapters, Clean Architecture, DDD and other related topics to anybody who wants to improve their craft, both within and outside the teams he worked on for several years now. As a software engineer, he applies and improves on these techniques both in front- and backend, to ensure they actually work and are not just a scam promoted by a few programmers.

Talks about #softwaredesign, #agiledevelopment, #domaindrivendesign, #extremeprogramming, and #softwarecraftsmanship

I work constantly towards a software engineering world where work is enjoyable and sustainable, code is easy to read and extend, and agile practices produce the highest customer value possible.